



Data leakage is the occurrence of an organization inadvertently exposing sensitive information – usually due to a mistake like overlooking a critical 脆弱性 -到公共互联网或不安全的网络. 此过程增加了数据被恶意行为者获取的机会.

在最坏的情况下, data “leaks” off of the originating secure network 和 into the h和s of bad actors who will hold the sensitive data for ransom or leak it wider onto more visible platforms 和 websites.

数据泄露vs. 数据泄露:有什么区别? 

美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST)定义了一个 违反 as: 

“失去控制, 妥协, 未经授权的披露, 未经授权的收购, or any similar occurrence where: a person other than an authorized user accesses or potentially accesses personally identifiable information; or an authorized user accesses personally identifiable information for anything other than the authorized purpose.”

简单地说,数据泄露是指故意以未经授权的方式访问数据. A data leak is when an authorized user mistakenly exposes data to the internet or unauthorized networks, 但严格来说,它还没有被偷走.

The difference between these two terms is small but important when taking actions to secure the data in question or when reporting on the incident later.


Data leakage occurs as a result of a number of mistakes or oversights – or something that no one in an organization would ever have 虽然t of. 让我们来看看发生数据泄漏的几种方式:

  • 人为错误早在2012年, we said that there were a staggering number of cases involving human error that were leading to unprecedented governmental challenges in securing critical infrastructures, 知识产权, 经济数据, 员工记录, 以及其他敏感信息. 12年后,这句话仍然成立.
  • 遗留或过时的数据保存存档数据也有好处, but more often this type of outdated information is becoming a significant 脆弱性/liability to businesses around the world. 然而,这些遗留数据是安全的, 最终,它的盔甲上会出现裂缝,数据将会暴露出来. Whether or not malicious actors pick up on the fact that this information is there for the taking or not is another question besides the critical one: Is it absolutely necessary to keep this old data around?
  • 密码卫生差:如果IT和安全组织没有实现成熟 身份和访问管理(IAM) 持续更新和生成新密码的解决方案, 那么很有可能发生类似 凭据填料 攻击发生了,不良行为者正在窃取数据.
  • 漏洞: It happens every day, everywhere: a 脆弱性 goes overlooked or undiscovered in the 软件开发生命周期 而攻击者在眨眼之间就占了便宜. 这取决于企业或DevOps组织的规模, 在资源有限的情况下,可能根本不可能捕捉到所有的东西.


数据泄露的影响可能是灾难性的. 但是,就像安全领域的任何事情一样,这个过程在很大程度上取决于时机. 如果分析师能够及早发现数据泄露的原因, 整体业务可能足够幸运,完全避免任何负面影响. 或者它可以将损害降到最低. 或者,它可能不得不应对改变业务或声誉的影响.


Waiting until something happens shouldn’t be the priority; it should be planning in case of the 事件. Damage to reputation is something that can 和 should be scoped prior to the occurrence of any significant future 事件. 这种方式, a business 和 its IT 和 security organizations will have a playbook to follow in such a situation. 这将有助于最大限度地减少持久的负面声誉影响.


在可能的大规模声誉受损之后, 当涉及到企业的底线时,有一个双管齐下的影响:潜力 ransomware 支付给 威胁的演员 以及客户将业务转移到其他地方. Businesses could quickly find themselves bankrupt or extinct if they aren’t prepared for the consequences of unintended data leakage.


The amount of time it takes for an organization to return to normal operations will depend on the severity of the security 事件 following a data leak 和 in-progress initiatives that may have to be fully halted in an “all h和s on deck” type 数据安全 事件. This can cause incredible disruption to a business 和 create an operational deficit from which it could be near-impossible to return.


The current cybersecurity talent shortage 和 skills gap only seems to continue to exacerbate as more 托管安全服务提供商 are called upon to provide monitoring, detection, 和 response actions on behalf of clients. 雇佣熟练的内部人才已经是一件费力的事情. 在一次造成灾难性声誉损失的数据泄露之后? 不可能.


While there are obviously certain data types that are of higher value to 威胁的演员 – personally identifiable information (PII), 财政和健康相关, 等. -发生资料外泄的主要途径有哪些? 我们已经介绍了一些不同的功能,但是现在让我们按类型对它们进行分组.


无论是由内部来源还是供应链合作伙伴发起的, to be classified as human error in this sense the act/disclosure/exposure must be unintentional. The root cause of this data exposure or leak might have begun as a misconfiguration during the SDLC 和 turned into a gaping 脆弱性 through which high-value data was exposed.

煽动性事件也可能是一些技术含量低得多的事情. Leaving workstations unattended 和 accessible while working remotely 和 lost devices are two such examples of mishaps that occur every day 和 lead to unintended negative consequences.


为本页的目的, we are mainly discussing data leakage in a scenario whereby an internal actor – employee, 游客, 承包商, 供应商, 等. -会在不知情的情况下使数据不受保护或暴露于潜在的盗窃或赎金.

然而, if an exposure is leveraged by attackers to more easily steal potentially sensitive data, 那么这种类型的泄漏可能是攻击者发起的. 曝光的责任, 虽然, 这取决于最初负责保护数据的人. 但如果有扇门没关, we can all reasonably assume there aren’t many attackers who wouldn’t throw it wide open 和 steal sensitive data.


It's entirely possible to effectively pr事件 sensitive enterprise-level data from being exposed 和 subsequently leaking onto the public internet or into the data stores of malicious actors.

Whether one of the following pr事件ive options are used as a st和alone solution or part of a larger product suite, each organization should keep their unique needs 和 goals in mind when researching which solution/product is best for their environment.

  • 制定数据丢失预防(DLP)解决方案: DLP 解决方案通常侧重于端点、网络和云. 这个功能专门解决了我们在这里详细讨论的问题, 例如由于错误配置和意外暴露而导致的漏洞.
  • 利用加密: 数据加密 protects data from unauthorized use or access by using a “key” to encrypt a message on one end of a transmission 和 using the same key to decrypt it on the other end. 通过这个过程, 即使恶意行为者能够成功地泄露数据, there is a good chance it will be of no use to them if strong encryption protocols are used. 越来越多地, machine learning 和 AI are being used to create more sophisticated encryption techniques.
  • 左移位:确保安全过程是SDLC的一部分,因此是一个真实的过程 DevSecOps workflow – can vastly cut down on the amount of vulnerabilities that go out the door at the end of the build cycle. 通过将安全检查集成到 基础设施即代码(IaC) 模板和编码过程的其他部分, DevSecOps组织减少了关键数据泄露的机会.
  • 培训员工和合作伙伴调动员工的积极性 安全意识培训 that covers topics like basic password 和 authentication best practices can go a long way toward warding off a leak if, 例如, 设备丢失或密码长时间被重复使用.